Friday, November 20, 2009

Local Fix

It was good to get out today, if only for a few hours. A friend and I headed east, where we were lucky to find a few Cutthroat willing to take a dry.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Utah Water Guardians

Help support a cause and educate yourself on the potential problems facing Utah anglers here.

History -
A very well connected lobbyist (Hartley and Associates) will fight for the public’s right to Access and Use Utah’s State Waters, but lobbyists don’t come cheap.  His fee is $30,000.00 for this year’s legislative session.   Half of the fee has been raised already!   Times are tight for all of us folks,  but if you can spare ANY AMOUNT, please do.  Surely we can all skip a fast-food lunch or two and send in the savings. There are 400,000 fishermen in Utah, please pass this on to all you know.  Just a few bucks from some of us would get the job done, please step up and help out.

Please note, the landowners have hired their guns and will not underestimate the people this next go-around. The legislature is not going to be giving us neither another sympathy vote nor the bad process vote. We need professional talent(s) AND a heavy backed grassroots effort to accomplish this enormous task we are all faced with. The ball is now rolling, we need to preserve our rights and stand-up against those those are trying to take them away! We learned in the first round not one single person is going to do it for us… it’s up to ALL of us, as a unified voice, to stand together to keep free water free.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


We made a quick trip to NYC this last weekend to visit some friends. Great time.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Release

The majority of the time that I am fishing is spent doing just, and hopefully catching. In fact, there is such a rush catching the fish that I can't wait to see which fish will bite next. There have been a few times where I have netted a real beautiful fish, one worthy of further inspection, only to release it so fast to catch another. I am not advocating keeping fish out of the water, no. But I think after spending the time to catch a certain fish (ones you see rising, or that you sight fish to) I will, in the future, try to appreciate their beauty for a few seconds longer.